
TARGO-VENT Opening angle limiter

Add-on module for explosion vents to divert explosion hazards to a safe area


In the event of a dust explosion occurring in an enclosure located outside of a plant, explosion vents open and release the explosion flame and pressure wave into the environment. Adequate safety areas are crucial. These areas must be kept free of buildings and be out of bounds to both vehicles and pedestrians. These empty areas cannot be used commercially but still incur operating costs. TARGO-VENT limits the opening angle of an explosion vent in order to protect people, vehicles or subsequently erected buildings. By diverting explosion hazards to a safe area, TARGO-VENT helps you increase usable operating space while providing optimum protection against the effects of an explosion.


Ideal for rectangular explosion vents,

  • venting into areas used by vehicles or pedestrians,
  • used in outdoor applications,
  • releasing into previously clear areas, which have subsequently been built upon.


TARGO-VENT limits the opening angle of the explosion vent and guides the explosion pressure wave, flames and heat into defined areas. This minimizes the size of the safety areas required.


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